Why I got some posts in inappropriate category (Q/A)?
Posted by Admin L in Google AdSense/Gain by Website on 14-06-2012. Tags: Make Money by Website, Website Earning, PostLinks
Author: Nosa Lee
Original Address: https://www.seeksunslowly.com/why-i-got-some-posts-in-inappropriate-category
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My Question:
Hello, in my Blog http://www.pcworkbreak.com/
I checked "Pets & Animals" category only (only accepts this category), but now I found a new article was posted in "Real Estate" category, is it a bug?
Thank you.
Posts are added based on the Page Rank the advertiser is looking for. Relevancy plays a roll unless there are no relevant blogs available then the system will choose at random.
You can cancel any unwanted posts from your PostLinks.com control panel, it will take up to one hour for the cancellation to process.
From your Publisher control panel click on "My Blogs" in the top menu then out to the right of your blog URL click on the "* Posts" link.
Click on the check boxes beside each posts you want removed and then click the "cancel selected posts" button.
Also, under the "edit my profile" settings in your Publisher control panel you can opt-in to receive notices via email when an advertiser purchases Article Posts, Contextual Links, and Comments.
Then you can review the sale and remove/cancel any unwanted from your PostLinks.com control panel.
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