During installing Office 2007+, if encounter 1402 error (Could not open key: UNKNOWN\Components…), there is the right solution!

Posted by Admin L in Windows & PC Software on 22-10-2012.

Author: Nosa Lee
Original Address: https://www.seeksunslowly.com/office-2007-2010-setup-1402-unknown-Components-error
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If you encountered this error, I suggest that you do not believe some experts and their saying due to they suggest you to change the Windows Registry and/or the permissions, this can only lead into a worse situation.

Right Solution:
Run cmd as administrator, paste the following command:
secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose

Once done, run Office 2007/2010 installer again, everything was settled.

To primary users:
How to run cmd as administrator?
Find out cmd in the Start menu (if you use Win7, just input cmd to search, it’s icon the black image (with a little white lines), right-click it and perform “Run as administrator”.

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