Completely Solve .NET ListView Flickering Problem

Posted by Admin L in .NET Programming on 06-04-2012. Tags:

Author: Nosa Lee
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When I add, delete or modify ListView’s data (Items) with a high-frequency, the ListView control will flicker.

It makes my software to look very amateur, also dazzles myself. So, I must solve the problem.

Tried to use some functions of ListView, such as BeginUpdate, EndUpdate, SuspendLayout, ResumeLayout, Refresh, and their combination, No perfect solution found.

I had used Delphi several years ago, vaguely remembered TListView has the DoubleBuffer property, so, tried to implement a class that inherits from ListView, and add the DoubleBuffer setting to its constructor, and then test it.

The result exceeds the expectation due to get success only one time.

The code of the new class TListView that inherits from ListView class of .NET as below (VB 2008):

[cc lang=”vbnet”]
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class TListView
Inherits ListView

Public Sub New()

‘ Use DoubleBuffer to avoid flickering when operate TListView items in high-frequency.

SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer Or _
ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer Or _
ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True)

End Sub
End Class

If you use C#, I provide you with the C# code also:
[cc lang=”csharp”]
class TListView : ListView

public DoubleBufferListView()

SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer |
ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);


1. To apply TListView to your existing projects, only need to replace System.Windows.Forms.ListView (usually generated by .NET automatically) as TListView (of course, you may have used a namespace for this new class) in the code files.
2. I test it successfully in TListView with the Details view (usually display bulk data in this view).
3. I estimate this thinking is also applicable for TreeView (have not tested), if you need that, just try this.

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